QB45 News
News from around the world!
Does this mean a pending return for VPlanet? Let's hope so!
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* Added crappy supprt for single instance ( vongodric )
* Added popup menu on tabs ( vongodric )
* Added possibility to close a tab with middle mouse button. ( vongodric )
* Added russian, chinese, greek, japanese, roumanian, finnish, slovak and bulgarian languages. ( vongodric )
* Added Sub/Func browser closing with esc ( vongodric )
* Fixed bug with settings loading ( vongodric )
* Fixed bug with error reporting - that coused fbide crash. ( vongodric )
* Fixed wrong error marker position in error-reporting ( vongodric )
* Fixed problem with compiling when long paths were used. ( vongodric )
* Fixed several bugs with Sub/function browser. ( vongodric )
* Changed title to flash in taskbar when opening a new file under single instance ( dumbledore )
* Changed Sub/Func browser to stay open until all tabs are closed ( vongodric )
* Changed FBIde to refresh apon exiting programs -on some videocards otherwise coused problems ( vongodric )
* Changed in Sub/Func browser subs and functions are colored in different colors ( vongodric )
* Changed Sub/Functon browser now refreshes much faster ( vongodric )
Get it at:
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Check it out!
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and parties dont stop til' eight in the mornin'. We have a pretty good update, quite a bit has gone on without us! Be prepared in the meantime to read another fine issue of QB Express, and play a few rounds of the latest SonicX demo.
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This final SonicX release for qbasic features enemies, and is thus a major step forward for this project. It also features background music and sound FX. The level editor has also been upgraded significantly. It has been integrated with the script editor, so that basic scripts can be attached to objects by level designers. All up, this is a quality qb platformer.
Download SonicXv10 at http://www.geocities.com/jo9992/sonicx.html
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Lucky number 13 includes a collection of TEN great tutorials, including Chapter 7 of Na_th_an's I.F. Games series, a look at Enemy AI by Wallace, a pixel art tutorial by Josiah Tobin, an introduction to A* programming by Torahteen, tutorials on GUI and database design by MystikShadows, a QB Date and Time Tutorial by Moneo, Chapter 1 of Rattrapmax6's beginners' course in FreeBasic, "Evolutionary Programming" by Torahteen, and a FreeBasic ScreenSavers Tutorial by Rattrapmax6.
Also this month is a Gallery article previewing Lynn's Legacy by Josiah Tobin and Cha0s, "Why Do People Make GUI's?" by Jacob Palm, a rant on Reality In Games by Deleter, an article on Qbinux by Seb McClouth, some pointless points by Nathan1993, a poem by mennonite, and two personal stories about QBasic by The Awakened and MystikShadows.
Another month, another Bang-A-Rang issue of QB Express! Read it now: QB Express #13
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FB-IDE 0.5 is expected to have the following new features, as declared by this statement:

P.D. LeoFlorida was discovered by Ponce De Leon in 1513, looking for the fountain of youth, which he found behind a tool shed at a gas station outside West Palm Beach. Upon his discovery, Ponce, who immediately changed his name to "D. Leo", generated a vast fortune over the next 450 years selling the water as "Vita-gro Miracle Water", until it was purchased by Coca-Cola industries in 1958, and resold as "Dasani". D. Leo, however, now owns a nightclub in Viera, and was kind enough to host a temporary HQ for QB45 until our triumphant return to Atlanta, GA. You see, we were cast out by nefarious scum-bags claiming that we didn't pay any "tacks ez" to their tribal leaders. But fear not, we are under the protection of D. Leo's powerful 450mhz K6-3 desktop which he keeps in a secret location (not Melbourne). We will be back, Atlanta, and you'll feel it hard.
But in the meantime, why not get a few download updates rolling?
Realtime GFX Mandelbrot (FreeBASIC Graphics) - DJ Peters, voted "Mr. Germany" in 1986, has sent in a FreeBASIC graphics demo that will hurl you through the depths of a Mandelbrot image, hypnotizing the weak with it's lava-lamp-like effects.
Enigma Wheel: (QBasic Strategy And RPG) - A puzzle game that, get ready, that doesn't, I repeat, doesn't involving matching colored gems falling into a well. When you are finished gathering your various jaws from the floor, be sure to play this quite unique puzzle game from a ghastly mysterious creature the townsfolk only refer to as "Gizmoguy".
It's a short update, yes, but only you can prevent forest fires.
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• The Frantic Journey pages have finally updated with the current progress of the game in FB!
• A whopping 19 FB demos have been added to the FreeBasic GFX Demo Central for a massive total of at least 71 of them!!
• The deadline of the FreeBASIC Ultimate Demo Compo has now been extended ‘till September 30, 2005!
• One new FB program of mine and my own tutorial about implementing Windows icons to FreeBASIC programs have also been added!
Come and see this brand-new look to the AAP Official Projects Squad as it now *fully* supports FireFox and IE simultaneously. You will find it at http://dhost.hopto.org/aapproj/.
Be seeing you there for the festivities!!!
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(Okay, you can have a little party. But don't try any funny stuff, I can tell.
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News from around the world!
VPlanet Archive Revived
Posted by Jofers on Sunday August 28th, 2005 @ 10:48:12
      Radical Raccoon, author of "Larry the Dinosaur" and heir to the VPlanet thrown, has put up an archive of the temporarily expired VPlanet magazine, with a digitally remastered frontpage. You can find it here:http://www.vplanetmag.com
Does this mean a pending return for VPlanet? Let's hope so!
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FBIDE 0.4.2 Released!
Posted by Jofers on Thursday August 25th, 2005 @ 20:47:19
      An intermediary version of the popular but still-developing FreeBASIC IDE has been released! Here is a changelog:* Added crappy supprt for single instance ( vongodric )
* Added popup menu on tabs ( vongodric )
* Added possibility to close a tab with middle mouse button. ( vongodric )
* Added russian, chinese, greek, japanese, roumanian, finnish, slovak and bulgarian languages. ( vongodric )
* Added Sub/Func browser closing with esc ( vongodric )
* Fixed bug with settings loading ( vongodric )
* Fixed bug with error reporting - that coused fbide crash. ( vongodric )
* Fixed wrong error marker position in error-reporting ( vongodric )
* Fixed problem with compiling when long paths were used. ( vongodric )
* Fixed several bugs with Sub/function browser. ( vongodric )
* Changed title to flash in taskbar when opening a new file under single instance ( dumbledore )
* Changed Sub/Func browser to stay open until all tabs are closed ( vongodric )
* Changed FBIde to refresh apon exiting programs -on some videocards otherwise coused problems ( vongodric )
* Changed in Sub/Func browser subs and functions are colored in different colors ( vongodric )
* Changed Sub/Functon browser now refreshes much faster ( vongodric )
Get it at:
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Lithium Returns!
Posted by Jofers on Thursday August 25th, 2005 @ 13:47:41
      Lithium, programmer of XGMAE and other cool stuff, has resurrected his website, down for some time.http://lithium.zext.net
Check it out!
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It Begins
Posted by Jofers on Monday August 22nd, 2005 @ 01:36:35
      QB45 has slowly begun its march back to the fabled city of Atlanta, land of Big beats, hit streets, see gangsta's roamin'and parties dont stop til' eight in the mornin'. We have a pretty good update, quite a bit has gone on without us! Be prepared in the meantime to read another fine issue of QB Express, and play a few rounds of the latest SonicX demo.
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SonicX version 10 released
Posted by jb on Thursday August 18th, 2005 @ 23:25:36
      It has been quite some time in the making, but the final qb version of sonicX is here. Sporting a new improved rendering system, better collision detection and an unreal basic scripting system, SonicX is much better than I ever imagined it could be. It isn't 100% finished, but this is the last release made using Qb. This is because I intend to port SonicX to the win32 compatible language Freebasic. Freebasic is virtually 95% compatible with quickbasic code, and it compiles programs which will work on all windows systems. The problem with using Quikbasic, is that I need to use things like EMS memory, and most modern windows systems can not handle EMS. So, SonicX will no longer be coded in Quickbasic.This final SonicX release for qbasic features enemies, and is thus a major step forward for this project. It also features background music and sound FX. The level editor has also been upgraded significantly. It has been integrated with the script editor, so that basic scripts can be attached to objects by level designers. All up, this is a quality qb platformer.
Download SonicXv10 at http://www.geocities.com/jo9992/sonicx.html
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QB Express #13 Released
Posted by Pete on Thursday August 18th, 2005 @ 22:43:06
      The August Issue of QB Express is now available!Lucky number 13 includes a collection of TEN great tutorials, including Chapter 7 of Na_th_an's I.F. Games series, a look at Enemy AI by Wallace, a pixel art tutorial by Josiah Tobin, an introduction to A* programming by Torahteen, tutorials on GUI and database design by MystikShadows, a QB Date and Time Tutorial by Moneo, Chapter 1 of Rattrapmax6's beginners' course in FreeBasic, "Evolutionary Programming" by Torahteen, and a FreeBasic ScreenSavers Tutorial by Rattrapmax6.
Also this month is a Gallery article previewing Lynn's Legacy by Josiah Tobin and Cha0s, "Why Do People Make GUI's?" by Jacob Palm, a rant on Reality In Games by Deleter, an article on Qbinux by Seb McClouth, some pointless points by Nathan1993, a poem by mennonite, and two personal stories about QBasic by The Awakened and MystikShadows.
Another month, another Bang-A-Rang issue of QB Express! Read it now: QB Express #13
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FB-IDE Version 0.5 Preview
Posted by Jofers on Wednesday August 17th, 2005 @ 17:56:14
      Von Godric, author of FB-IDE, a somewhat premature but useful IDE for FreeBASIC, has posted a number of screenshots previewing the latest version, 0.5. You can find them here!FB-IDE 0.5 is expected to have the following new features, as declared by this statement:
- Full debugging support
- to enable/disbale the sub/function only view ( Yes to hide all other as in QB's IDE )
- Add function/sub Tree view
- Bookmarks
- Full project support -project templates, settings, ...
- Advanced global ( in all files, project, ... )search
- Support for automatic upper/lower/mixed case for the keywords.
- Write real FB syntax parser for scintilla ( so far I'v been using modified VB's parser )
- Support for single instance of FBIde ( instead of opening new IDE for every file that is loaded outside of teh FBIde )
- Documentation
- Help support, costomisible Help menu
- File history
- Support and SDK for plug-ins, but that's a bit utopic right now... or not?
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Greetings from Beautiful Flor-i-da!
Posted by Jofers on Sunday August 14th, 2005 @ 00:17:41
P.D. Leo
But in the meantime, why not get a few download updates rolling?
Realtime GFX Mandelbrot (FreeBASIC Graphics) - DJ Peters, voted "Mr. Germany" in 1986, has sent in a FreeBASIC graphics demo that will hurl you through the depths of a Mandelbrot image, hypnotizing the weak with it's lava-lamp-like effects.
Enigma Wheel: (QBasic Strategy And RPG) - A puzzle game that, get ready, that doesn't, I repeat, doesn't involving matching colored gems falling into a well. When you are finished gathering your various jaws from the floor, be sure to play this quite unique puzzle game from a ghastly mysterious creature the townsfolk only refer to as "Gizmoguy".
It's a short update, yes, but only you can prevent forest fires.
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The AAP Official Projects Squad has successfully revamped!!
Posted by Adigun A. Polack on Thursday August 11th, 2005 @ 01:21:30
      Now celebrating just over one (1) year of the AAP Official Projects Squad, it is now so newly improved and even hotter than ever before, including these following updates:• The Frantic Journey pages have finally updated with the current progress of the game in FB!
• A whopping 19 FB demos have been added to the FreeBasic GFX Demo Central for a massive total of at least 71 of them!!
• The deadline of the FreeBASIC Ultimate Demo Compo has now been extended ‘till September 30, 2005!
• One new FB program of mine and my own tutorial about implementing Windows icons to FreeBASIC programs have also been added!
Come and see this brand-new look to the AAP Official Projects Squad as it now *fully* supports FireFox and IE simultaneously. You will find it at http://dhost.hopto.org/aapproj/.
Be seeing you there for the festivities!!!
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No Download Update This Week
Posted by Jofers on Friday August 5th, 2005 @ 14:55:05
      Sorry, pals, nothing this week, because your admin is going bye-bye for a few days. Don't panic, I left out some DVDs, Monopoly, and some money to order a pizza. The phone numbers for the neighbors are taped to the TV, call if there's an emergency. Take care, and NO PARTIES while I'm gone.(Okay, you can have a little party. But don't try any funny stuff, I can tell.
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