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Posts: 392
I'll ban people. I had to get rid of Rampkorv that way.
Posted by Jofers, on Aug 30th, 2005
But it's a lot easier for me just to delete messages, mainly because there aren't a lot of sweeping ban tools on this CMS (ip, user, that's it I think). If a guy spams that much, or does so, I'll ban him at my discretion. Didn't know flipcode went down though :(.

Buuut, here's a draft:
1) No flaming. A "flame" is designed as any message insulting, threatening, or asking that either be done to an individual. An admin's suggestion is law on this rule.

2) No topic may appear more than twice per page. This rule applies to "double-posting", though accidental double-posting will simply be corrected by an admin. Call this one the "Bjorn" rule if you want.

3) No "trolling", that being the deliberate introduction of controversial topic, for the intent of provoking an individual or set of individuals. Controversial topics just for debate, eg "what are y'alls thoughts on abortion", are okay in moderation though.

4) No huge images.

5) No porn. Any gray (grey for you British jerks) areas will be settled by an admin.

6) No excessive cussing. A little sprinkle here and there is cool, but it ends when you start chaining curse words together to the point where it doesn't make sense, ie "shit bitch cock ass". We do have minors on the board, the youngest I've ever witnessed was 7.

7) Don't get too emotional here. It's a goddamned internet site. If anyone starts getting really upset over something (ie, abortion) all parties involved in the discussion will asked to end the conversation, and then sit in a corner for 10 minutes.

8) Any violations of these rules should be reported in a PM to me. An admin is the final word on everything. Joe-ocracy.

But really, just "keep it cool" is the only law. I just made these up the past 10 minutes or so, it's not a code of babylon or anything, they can change and i'll let 'em break here an there, like if some guys are goofing around with each other or something.

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