'Press a key menus'
(N)ew Game (L)oad Game (S)ave Game (I)nstructions (Q)uitAnd you press N for New Game, L for Load Game etc. This menu is fairly easy to make and I've seen it used in a lot of games. It's not very nice to see but it gets the job done. I'll list the Pros & Cons in a nice little table now:
Pros | Cons |
Easy to make Takes almost no coding space |
Doesn't look nice |
So now you know the Pros & Cons of this menu let's get started on the coding. We'll use the example menu for this coding example:
PRINT "(N)ew Game" PRINT "(L)oad Game" PRINT "(S)ave Game" PRINT "(I)nstructions" PRINT "(Q)uit" DO a$ = INKEY$ SELECT CASE UCASE$(a$) CASE "N" PRINT "You selected New Game!" CASE "L" PRINT "You selected Load Game!" CASE "S" PRINT "You selected Save Game!" CASE "I" PRINT "You selected Instructions!" CASE "Q" PRINT "You selected Quit!" PRINT "Have a nice day!" SYSTEM END SELECT LOOPClick here to download this example.
This code will create an example menu and if you press one of the menu's keys the program will show which option you have chosen and if you selected Quit it'll print a greeting and then exit the program I'll discuss the program in blocks of a few lines of code now. We'll use the example menu for this coding example:
PRINT "(N)ew Game" PRINT "(L)oad Game" PRINT "(S)ave Game" PRINT "(I)nstructions" PRINT "(Q)uit"This just prints out the basic menu.
DO a$ = INKEY$ SELECT CASE UCASE$(a$)This starts a DO...LOOP, give a$ the value of INKEY$ (the string that holds which key is pressed) and starts a SELECT CASE with the value of a$ in captial (UCASE$(a$).
CASE "N" PRINT "You selected New Game!" CASE "L" PRINT "You selected Load Game!" CASE "S" PRINT "You selected Save Game!" CASE "I" PRINT "You selected Instructions!" CASE "Q" PRINT "You selected Quit!" PRINT "Have a nice day!" SYSTEMThis checks which key is pressed, for instance, CASE "N" checks the value of a$ (the string in which the key that is currently pressed is stored) and if it's "N" the program executes the commands within the CASE. Which is obviously
PRINT "You selected New Game!"
. This is the same for the
rest of the CASEs, but if the users pressed "Q" for Quit, the program returns
to the system with the SYSTEM command.
Of course, this code is for example purposes only and could be optimized a lot.
My conclusion for this menu is that I would not use this menu in my game. Although it's very easy to create it really doesn't look nice. There are many other nice looking and easy to create menus, like the highlight selection menu.
'Highlight selection' menu
New Game Load Game Instructions Quit GameMy Cons & Pros are listed in the table below:
Pros | Cons |
Easy to make Takes very little code Looks good in text games |
Doesn't look good in other games |
DIM SHARED Menu$(4) selection% = 1 Menu$(1) = "New Game" Menu$(2) = "Load Game" Menu$(3) = "Instructions" Menu$(4) = "Quit Game" GOSUB Redraw DO A$ = INKEY$ SELECT CASE A$ CASE CHR$(0) + "H" selection% = selection% - 1 IF selection% = 0 THEN selection% = 4 GOSUB Redraw CASE CHR$(0) + "P" selection% = selection% + 1 IF selection% > 4 THEN selection% = 1 GOSUB Redraw CASE " " CLS PRINT "You selected: "; Menu$(selection%) END END SELECT LOOP Redraw: CLS FOR i = 1 TO 4 PRINT Menu$(i) NEXT i LOCATE selection%, 1 COLOR 7, 1 PRINT Menu$(selection%) COLOR 7, 0 RETURNClick here to download the example menu.
I'll discuss the code now:
DIM SHARED Menu$(4)We create an array (Menu$) with four slots for our menu options.
selection% = 1 Menu$(1) = "New Game" Menu$(2) = "Load Game" Menu$(3) = "Instructions" Menu$(4) = "Quit Game"We give the selection% (the variable which holds the current position of the selection bar) the value of 1, it's at the top of the menu now. We also fill in the four slots of the Menu$ array with the names we want to give to the menu's options.
GOSUB RedrawWe go to the Redraw label, in which the menu gets drawn.
DO A$ = INKEY$ SELECT CASE A$We start a DO...LOOP, give A$ the value of INKEY$ and start a SELECT...CASE with the value of A$
CASE CHR$(0) + "H" selection% = selection% - 1 IF selection% = 0 THEN selection% = 4 GOSUB RedrawWe check if the key currently pressed is the up arrow (CHR$(0) + "H") and if it is we subtract 1 from the selection% variable which moves the selection bar one place up. Then we check if the selection% variable is 0 and if it is we make the selection% variable 4 (this moves the selection bar from the top of the menu to the bottom, because there is no option 0). Then we goto the Redraw label to put the new menu on screen.
CASE CHR$(0) + "P" selection% = selection% + 1 IF selection% > 4 THEN selection% = 1 GOSUB RedrawWe check if the key currently pressed is the down arrow (CHR$(0) + "P") and if it is we add 1 to the selection% variable which moves the selection bar one place down. Then we check if the selection% variable is bigger than 4 and if it is we make the selection% variable 1 (this moves the selection bar from the bottom of the menu to the top, because we have only four options, if you have more options in your menu you need to increase this number). Then we goto the Redraw label to put the new menu on screen.
CASE " " CLS PRINT "You selected: "; Menu$(selection%) ENDWe check if the key currently pressed is space (" ") and if it is we clear the screen and PRINT the current selection. Then we END the program.
Redraw:Here we define the Redraw: label.
CLS FOR i = 1 TO 4 PRINT Menu$(i) NEXT iWe clear the screen and print out the menu options.
LOCATE selection%, 1 COLOR 7, 1 PRINT Menu$(selection%) COLOR 7, 0We put the cursor at the line of the current selection and change the color to white on forground, blue on background. Now we print the menu option of the current selection (this gives the bar which selects the selection). Then we change the background color back to black, forground color stays white.
RETURNWe return to where the Redraw: label was called from.
My conclusion for this menu is that if you're making a text game you can very well use this menu. But if you're making a graphical game you can make the same kind of menu with graphics and that's much nicer!
Well, you now know how to do some menus. In the next issue I'll continue this article and we'll get into making graphical and mouse driven menus. I hope you like this article.. Don't hesitate to tell me :-) Also if you've any questions regarding this article you can mail me at nwep@qb45.com.
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